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TBC Fridays Logo


TBC Fridays Tots Logo
TBC Fridays Kids Logo
TBC Fridays Youth Logo

Sarah, Scott Kat and Hannah would like to tell you more about all that happens on Fridays at TBC.

PRE-BOOKING opens 9am Tuesday each week.


TBC Fridays is a community day for all the family. There are groups for parents and tots, kids, and youth at various times throughout the day. This is a great opportunity to come and bring your children, hang out with other parents and enjoy a nice coffee and a chat. Each week there are different types of activities and the day is much loved by all those who attend. Book using the buttons at the top!

Testwood Baptist Church loves to serve it’s community.

TBC Fridays Team
TBC Friday Tots

10:00am - 11:30am


If you’re at that wonderful stage in life where your days are full of nappies and sleepless nights, or full of toys and tantrums, (or both!) then we want to offer you a safe space where you can relax a bit, chat a lot, drink tea or coffee and realise you’re not alone!

Throughout the building there are clean baby mats and lots of toys, crafts and sensory activities, ride ons and role play. After tidy up time, we join together for a sing song at the end of the session.

Entry is £1 per family, which includes a hot drink for you and a snack for your child. We ask that all food is kept to the hub and snack room for allergy safety.

TBC Friday Kids

5:30pm - 6:45pm


Kids is for primary aged children (school years Reception – 6) and is lots of fun! There are activities throughout the building: toys and construction, arts and crafts, active and quiet games, and sometimes cooking! Book using the button at the top!

Some of our activities link to the bible themes our children explore on Sundays here at TBC. Details of what we’re doing and when are on the programme card.

TBC Fridays kids is £1 for a session, and there is 20p included in that for use at the tuck shop, so children don’t need extra money

(If you do give your child cash to spend please keep it to 30p extra as the max total spend is 50p).

Parents, please feel free to stick around for a free tea or coffee.

TBC Friday Youth

7:30pm - 9:00pm


Youth is for anyone of secondary school age (school years 7-11), and is about kicking the weekend off with fun and friends. Entry is £1.
Book using the button at the top!

Throughout the building there are games, crafts, cooking, sports and challenges, as well as time and space to chill and chat… and the tuck shop is always open!

Sometimes we meet up all together for extra activities or challenges. Some of our crafts and activities link to the bible themes we explore on Sunday mornings here at TBC. You can find out what is going on and when, on the programme card.


Scott Rushby


Sarah John


Kat Frowd


Hannah Shepherd


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023 8086 0320

283A Salisbury Rd, Totton, Southampton SO40 3LZ

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Testwood Baptist Church is a Registered Charity no. 1129913 and is affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain and a member of the Evangelical Alliance 107849 as well as 'Churches Together in Totton and the New Forest Edge'.

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